Online Training Program Walkthrough for AEC Companies
Learn how to boost your team’s productivity, efficiency and profitability with Global eTraining, so you can maximize your BIM software investment, win bids, cut costs, and deliver on-time results with the industry’s best online training tools.
During this webinar, we’ll walk you through all of our products, solutions and new releases to help you evaluate Global eTraining for your team.
Our Highlights
Global eTraining is excited to announce the release of a new premium content package – the iHasco Safety Essentials (UK) Bundle.
The iHasco Safety Essentials (UK) Bundle allows learners to easily work towards compliance through engaging, video-based content that’s segmented into bite-sized 30-minute courses.
We are proud to introduce ‘display theme’ options to the interface of ‘The Generator’ custom course builder.
Users are now able to choose between either ‘Classic’ or ‘Dynamic’ themes, depending on which supports their individual needs best.
Book a meeting below to learn more!
Tune into Global eTraining Founder and Chief Customer Officer, Susan Brattberg for a complete overview of Global eTraining and our industry-leading BIM training solutions and philosophy, hosted by the amazing team at AEC Cafe.
Ready to GeT started with the industry’s leading BIM training platform? Select your option below to purchase today!
In Remembrance
It is with deep sadness that we inform you that our beloved colleague Charles Jarvis has passed away. Charles was an important and vibrant member of our team and will be dearly missed.
Charles was an intelligent, compassionate, hard working, reliable mentor and great friend who was always committed to learning and growing. He so eloquently referred to his mission as ‘worthwhile work’. We are all very proud of his contributions, his achievements and his long-lasting impact on his students, partners and team. He will be truly missed by many.