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How To Show Your Team “The Love” Through Custom AEC eTraining

The Black Eyed Peas Said It Best, “Where Is The Love?”

With Valentines Day just around the corner, what better way to show your team “the love” than to provide them with eTraining that makes their jobs easier, better, and more enjoyable? You may have already created an eCourse to capture your organization’s proprietary workflow with an eAuthoring tool like The Generator. You built it, but will they come?

At Global eTraining, we’ve worked with clients all over to the world to coordinate the development of eCourses using The Generator, and we’ve learned a lot along the way. Telling your team that they have to take certain training is not the same as explaining how the training will benefit them particularly when they can apply it immediately on a project or worksite.

It’s Valentines Day. Get Emotional!

Fear not. Helping your people see the benefit of taking custom eTraining courses, filled with your proprietary know-how, isn’t as difficult as it may sound. It just requires you to position the learning outcomes in a way that screams, “You can’t live without this!” A learning outcome is a statement of what learners will be able to do once they have completed a lesson or course.

Show The Love Through Learning Outcomes That Answer, “What’s In It For Me?”

The industry accepted a formula for writing learning outcomes goes a little something like this: “Who will do what, by when (or some other condition), and how well (if not 100% of the time).” For example, “By the end of this blog post, you will be able to write learning outcomes.” Now, this outcome is a good place to start, but here’s how to take it to the next level to get the learner emotionally invested in taking the training.

Dig Deeper

  • Why do they need to know this information?
    Well-written learning outcomes not only help guide the development of your course, but they communicate to the learner what they will know, or be able to do after they have completed the course.
  • What are the expected results?
    Writing good learning outcomes makes course development easier, and your learners will know what’s expected of them, and why they should care about taking the course.
  • What’s in it for them?
    Knowing how to write good learning outcomes will make you feel confident about your course, and your learners will be excited to learn new information that will make them more efficient at their jobs.

Learning Outcome: Before and After

So here’s our original learning outcome: “By the end of this blog post, you will be able to write learning outcomes.”

And here’s our new one, incorporating the “What’s in it for me?” concept: “By the end of this blog post, you will feel confident about writing learning outcomes that not only cut down on course development time, but that excite your learners into completing the course quickly so they can apply their new skills on the job and save money.”

We’d Love To Partner With You

If you’re looking to build a custom eTraining course that makes your learners feel the love, GeT in touch with the Global eTraining team to learn how.