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Autodesk University is one of the biggest events in the tech world. It’s almost certainly one of the biggest events you will attend in a professional capacity. Which means there’s an overwhelming amount of great stuff you can come away from AU with. It’s up to you to make the most of the opportunity. The Global eTraining team is pleased to present this first in a series of blog entries to help you GeT The Most Out of AU2017.

You need to plan ahead. A great place to start is the AU FAQ web page. All the concrete information you need to know is there, in one tidy package.

Beyond that, since it’s obvious you can’t go to every event, network with every attendee, and sit in on every class (there are only about 800 to choose from), set some goals. What do you want to get out of AU 2017? If your company is footing the bill, they probably have goals for you. If they’re not too specific, take the initiative and make sure you know what you want to get out of AU, and how to get it.

If your main goal is networking, who are you trying to get in touch with? Are you linked to/friended with/following them? They’re probably at least hinting at what they have planned for the week somewhere on the web. Take an hour to search for the people you want to see, and you can likely find out what they’re up to and interested in.

At the same time, publicize yourself. This may mean a full-blown social media campaign to establish your brand as the Leader In Your Field™, or, if you’re a little less extravagant, just a post here and there to let people know you’re excited about the opportunity to expand your professional horizons. But other people really do care, and some of them might be looking for you the same way you’re looking for them. Let them know you’re headed to the desert.

The superstars of AU, like Lynn Allen, will always draw a crowd. Attending their events is a great way to not only get in touch with the latest and greatest from official Autodesk channels but also to meet like-minded individuals and form relationships that can make the difference in your CAD career.

Finally, getting the most out of AU takes a lot of energy and stamina. If you haven’t been doing a lot of walking lately, you don’t want to start November 13. Get out of the house and take a stroll around the neighborhood once a day, and try to stretch it out a bit more each time. You’ll thank yourself for it, trust us.

That’s all for now, but be sure to check out GeT The Most Out Of AU2017 Part Two. You want to GeT the Most Out of AU 2017, and we’re here to help.