BIM has been called many things: a paradigm shift, a disruptive innovation, and a new market segment. The fundamental similarity in all of these classifications is that BIM has changed the way the construction industry does business. These changes can be felt in the largest of scopes to the most granular of activities. In the past course, we stated that most BIM projects follow the same paths—while at the same time—each BIM project tends to be unique within that path. In this course, we will focus on how BIM as a paradigm shift has impacted structural engineers.
By the end of BIM for Structural Engineers course, you should be able to describe how the tools of 3D modeling effectively support the structural engineering practice, describe how BIM objects within a structural model are universally standardized to support a strong digital lifecycle, describe how structural engineers can strategically partner with a detailer to enhance their BIM capacities, and define concurrent engineering and explain how the process can enhance construction timelines.