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Training Adoption & Success

GeT Value: A Per Course Cost Analysis

Are you tired of frilly ad campaigns, fabricated guarantees, and ultimately, unseen results?

We GeT it.

We’re here to give you the real cost analysis, the real price-per-course figures, and show you – in the most relevant sense – how investing in Global eTraining is worth every penny.

Let’s start with a quick overview of what we offer. Global eTraining is an award-winning virtual learning solution that’s built to easily service and certify both individual learners, large organizations, and everything in between! Our subscription-based program centers around our diverse, ever-expanding ‘GeT Everything’ training library. With 235 courses and counting, and over 7,485 hours worth of online training content, we house the largest AEC virtual learning libraries in the world.

Access to this training comes at the extremely reasonable price of just $180.00 per learner, per year. But of course, don’t let us decide what’s reasonable or not, we’ll let the facts speak for themselves.

GeT Value with Autodesk

For starters, our GeT Everything library is home to one of the internet’s largest Autodesk training course suites. With everything from Revit, AutoCAD, and Infraworks, to Dynamo, Vault, and Inventor, you and your team will have access to training that covers the full range of Autodesk software (and more).

Our Autodesk library includes training in over 56 different subjects alone, with multiple versions and learning options for each course included. Our Autodesk training program is one of the largest, most highly-sought after resources included in the ‘GeT Everything’ library.

In fact, if the $180.00/learner fee included access to our Autodesk training library alone, each course would come out to only $3.21 for the entire year, which includes the ability to revisit courses as often as desired.

When you compare this to the potential costs of losing business, not being skilled enough for your career aspirations, or having senior-level staff take time out of their day to aid new hires, that $3.21 looks exceedingly inconsequential.

GeT Value with Autodesk

For example, an electrical engineer – according to recent research – makes a median salary of $82,212 per year in our base region of Western Canada. If this team member should take even a half-hour per week to explain software techniques or tips to new hires, it would end up costing your company a whopping $501.15 annually, more than proving the worth of upskilling employees via Global eTraining. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Explore our Autodesk Training Resources

GeT Value with the ‘GeT Everything’ Library

In addition to our Autodesk courses, the ‘GeT Everything’ library includes comprehensive training in BIM, Microsoft Office, and Health and Safety, not to mention a plethora of additional courses in Adobe, Primavera, Bluebeam, and Leadership:

  • 21 BIM Courses
  • 55 Autodesk Courses
  • 42 Microsoft Office Courses
  • 81 Health and Safety Courses
  • 11 Total Leadership Courses
  • 7 Primavera Courses
  • 5 Adobe Courses
  • 12 Other Courses (Bluebeam, GeT and more!)

Our broad range of training topics enables learners to acquire both the skills they need, as well as expand their knowledge in other relevant topics like Stress Management, Presentation Skills, and Problem Solving. Additionally, our library is ever-expanding and updating, allowing you – or your team – to stay on the cutting edge of industry advancements. Let’s take a moment to further delve into key points and cost analysis of the GeT Everything library as a whole.

GeT Value with the ‘GeT Everything’ Library

As stated previously, our library includes a current total of 235-course topics. At just $180.00 per learner, per year, that puts each course at just $0.77 USD annually. This low figure is especially driven-home when compared to the inflated prices of comparable online training courses.

Upon research, similar Microsoft Office training programs start at around $335.00 USD, with AutoCAD training clocking in at an average of $1730.00 USD.

As you can see, Global eTraining’s expansive library allows us to offer competitive programs at a far reduced price, ultimately providing our clients with the best ‘bang for their buck’.

It’s important to note that not only does the $180.00 individual subscription rate include access to the GeT-Everything library – and the ability to revisit courses – but also grants users access to our ‘GeT Know-How’ Autodesk plugin, as well as around the clock service from our GeT staff. Additionally, businesses with more than five learners have access to our Learning Management System and Executive Dashboard Reporting, allowing organizations to manage and report on their team’s training programs for no additional cost. Lastly, to sweeten the deal even further, teams that qualify for our ‘Business Plus’ plan gain access to our course-authoring platform, ‘The Generator’, and can begin to qualify for volume discounts.

Have Questions?

We would be happy to chat with you more about pricing, subscriptions, and run a course cost analysis specific to your business.
Click Here to schedule a meeting.

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