Hello, it’s Will Myers here, back behind the Ops Director’s Desk after a nice summer break. Things are heating up around here, no doubt!
GeT On The Road!
After a few years of being grounded by the pandemic, it’s so exciting to see our team getting back out there for events!
First, mark your calendars for August 21 – 23, because the Global eTraining team is presenting and exhibiting at Advancing Construction Technology 2023! Join Global eTraining’s Lorinda Manegre and Jessa Tracy live in Chicago to learn about the latest in workflow training for BIM teams and talk all things AEC.
Next, we’re excited to be sponsoring and speaking on the Education Stage at this year’s BIM Coordinators Summit live in Dublin, Ireland on September 7th! Tune in online or attend live to see Global eTraining’s Anne Carpenter take the stage alongside a group of amazing BIM Heroes!
Last but not least, we are Silver Sponsors for this year’s Autodesk University live in Las Vegas!
Stay tuned to our social media and website as we always time our promotions and releases with big events like these – so keep your eyes peeled!
‘Worth Your Time’ Webinars
If you have not attended our recent webinars, you’re missing out!
We recently hosted ‘The Importance of Women in Digital Leadership’ expert panel alongside our partners at Women in BIM. For those that weren’t able to attend, the recording has been re-released as an on-demand webinar!
Tune in to join industry experts Abarna K., Lindsay Prichard Fox, Cindy Baldwin, and Susan Brattberg for an in-depth conversation on the strengths, challenges, and opportunities for women in the Digital Built environment. Watch it here!
Additionally, we recently hosted the ‘BIM 101: The Complete Overview’ webinar!
The event featured industry expert and licensed architect, Megan Johnson, who led a discussion on the successes and failures of BIM in the modern construction industry. It was another fantastic webinar with so many great ideas discussed.
Helpful Hint - One Touch Updates with The Generator!
Things change quickly these days, and changes to your training content are no exception.
Whether its content, quality, or cosmetic, any of the changes you make to your training content in The Generator can be seen by your learners the very next time they log in!
The best part is, there is no need to re-administer a SCORM package. All you need to do is click the green ‘Republish’ button, located in the ‘Step 4 – Publishing’ section of your course.
If you would like to book a demo of The Generator, or learn more about what’s new at Global eTraining, reach out to me at williamm@globaletraining.ca.
I hope that you are having a productive summer. May your learning be lifelong!

William Myers is Director of Operations with Global eTraining (GeT). He is an Autodesk Certified Instructor (Gold Status) for AutoCAD, Revit Architecture and Inventor, holding multiple years’ worth of Autodesk Professional Certifications for all three platforms.
Will has spoken about BIM at Autodesk University, as well as various Canadian BIM events, and is a published author, having contributed to AUGI World’s “Training & Education” issue in 2012 and 2016.