Ensuring your BIM Team GeTs the Most out of Their Training
Here at GeT, our client’s BIM training success is our top priority. With this in mind, we’re thrilled to introduce our newly revamped Customer Success Team!
With in-depth training success report cards, personalized optimization recommendations, and one-on-one goal setting meetings, GeT Teams have never been more set for success!
Click here to learn more about this exciting revamp, or click below to book in with our Customer Success Team! We are happy to offer non-current customers a complimentary training needs assessment, or meet with current customers to discuss your personal team training goals!
Our Highlights
We are proud to have announced ourselves as Revizto’s official certification partner at the first-ever RevUP conference in Dallas this past month!
GeT and Revizto teamed up to offer the Revizto Expert Level 1 Certification live at the event – stay tuned on how to get involved coming soon!
Interested in our other certification options (including Autodesk, OSHA & more)? Meet with us to GeT the scoop!
Join our ‘GeT Team Solutions’ on-demand webinar for AEC companies!
In this webinar, we’ll be discussing how GeT helps to boost your team’s productivity, efficiency and profitability, so you can maximize your BIM software investment, win bids, cut costs, and deliver on-time results with the industry’s best online training tools.
Have you heard about our ‘GeT-One, Give-One’ program with WorldSkills International?
WorldSkills prides itself on bringing together educators, governments and international organizations to promote the benefits of skills development – while also promoting youth skills development globally!
As part of this partnership, every GeT subscription purchased results in one being donated to WorldSkills in an effort to help train our future global workforce!
Ready to GeT started with the industry’s leading BIM training platform?
Take part in our Business Trial for teams and GeT access to over 450+ AEC-relevant courses, a project-specific course builder and so much more – all designed to boost your teams productivity and efficiency.
If you’d like to learn more about Global eTraining, click here to book a complete platform demo. Or, GeT started purchasing your subscription here.