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Safety and Compliance: 3 Reasons Your Construction Firm Needs Training

Did you know that 1 in every 5 worker fatalities occur in the construction industry?

In a fast-paced field wrought with high-risk work and ample opportunity for injury, we don’t think we need to tell you why safety training is incredibly important.

In fact, we’re going to consider the benefit of ‘increased safety’ a given. Instead, we’ve compiled a list of three other reasons why an effective safety training strategy is crucial for both yourself and your team.

So ‘buckle up’!

1. Cuts Costs

Cut Cost - In a fast-paced, high-risk work environment, we don’t think we need to tell you why safety training is incredibly important.

Regardless of your profession, it’s common knowledge that workplace injuries are extremely expensive for employers – and based on industry averages, construction companies are paying out more than almost any other field.

According to recent statistics, the total cost of injuries (both non-fatal and fatal) in the construction sector equals out to about $13 billion per year.

When considering stats like this, the costs of implementing an effective safety training program seems miniscule.

2. Improves Public Reputation

Improve Public Reputation - Safety and Compliance: 3 Reasons Your Construction Firm Needs Training

It’s a given that we avoid severe workplace injuries because they… well, hurt! But these kinds of occurrences can hurt in more ways than one.

We’re talking about public reputation.

In today’s world, word travels fast. Between quickly-updating social media channels, instant messaging, business review forums, and news that comes straight to your inbox, information is spreading faster than ever… good or bad.

So, how would you like your organization to be perceived?

Now more than ever, it’s important to foster a positive public image, and showing the community that yourself (and your team) are well equipped, well trained, and complying with the extensive industry standards is a must.

3. Ensures Consistent Standards

Ensure Consistent Standards - Safety and Compliance: 3 Reasons Your Construction Firm Needs Training

Take a look at your team members. Did they all start at the same time? Or have some been working with you, or in the general industry longer than others?

We think it’s pretty safe to guess that the ladder is the accurate statement – most teams are composed of individuals with various levels of experience and knowledge.

For newer team members, there may be some confusion over your company-specific standards, or even confusion regarding safety standards industry-wide.

On the other hand, some of your more seasoned team members may not have received safety training in some time, and at this point, that information may even be out of date.

This is an issue.

Inconsistent safety skills and standards can lead to decreased efficiency, inconsistent work, and a more dangerous on-site environment. And as the age-old saying goes ‘a team is only as strong as its weakest link’.

With this in mind, taking active steps towards consistent safety and compliance knowledge is a must – enabling your team to complete projects seamlessly and safely with consistent standards and goals.

By now, it should be clear that an effective safety and compliance training strategy is crucial – and we’re here to help.

Ensure Consistent Standards - Safety and Co3 Reasons Your Construction Firm Needs Training

Global eTraining has teamed up with ClickSafety to offer the ‘Safety Premium OSHA+‘ course bundle.

This bundle contains over 330 in-depth training courses, covering a wide variety of relevant safety and compliance topics, including official OSHA certification.

Browse the Full Course List

The broad range of subjects and expertly-crafted content allows you and your team to train confidently, and enter your job site with the knowledge and skills you need to GeT the job done safely.

  • General Industry
  • Construction
  • General Safety
  • HR Compliance
  • Electrical Safety
  • Fall Protection
  • Chemicals & Hazardous Substances
  • PPE
  • Environmental Hazards
  • California-Specific Courses
  • Mobile Equipment
  • Toolbox Talk
  • Exam Preparation
  • Mining
  • OSHA Certification

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