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Global eTraining invites all Autodesk enthusiasts to connect with GeT founders, developers, movers and shakers at Autodesk University, where GeT will have a presence at almost every major point of contact.

The GeT Booth is #1732 on the Trade Show floor (Tuesday – Thursday, December 3 – 5). GeT will also be exhibiting at the ATC/Education and CAVE/I3D pre-conference events and receptions (Monday, December 2), and hosting industry-specific presentations for business, government and education in the Lenovo Lounge (Wednesday, December 4).

“This year, we are excited to announce our Expert and Affiliate Programs,” said GeT CEO Susan Brattberg. “We are looking for world-class experts in software and industry-relevant professional skills to contribute to course production. Is there anywhere better to put world-class technical knowledge than the world-leading technical training platform? Let’s get together to champion raising the bar for skills and expertise in the AEC, manufacturing and design industries.”

Those interested in the Expert and Affiliate Programs are encouraged to visit the booth for more information on how to get involved.

As Autodesk University draws nearer, and especially during the event itself, the GeT Social Networks will be especially active. Autodesk enthusiasts will want to be sure to watch for news and the earliest announcements of Autodesk University specific offers and activities, including a special Expert Tweet-Up at the Lenovo lounge on Wednesday, December 4.

About Global e-Training

Global eTraining is a world leader in On-Line Technical Training in Autodesk Software Products. The driving principle of GeT is to apply the right instructional delivery to the right learning objective, where and when you need it. With 25 years of experience delivering computer-based technical training at the college level, Global eTraining have a history of always looking for the best in educational delivery.

More information about Autodesk University, click here.